The Importance of UX Design

UX (User Experience) Design, or the lack of it, is a hot topic in the online world. You usually don’t hear about UX unless someone complains about it. In fact, the lesser you hear about your UX Design, the better.

Take Apple, for example. They take human sensibilities into account before design and development and the overall user experience is marvelous. Similarly, UX Design needs to be implemented right from the conceptual stage of your website all the way to the execution stage.

So why is UX Design important in today’s time? Here are four important reasons:

Ui or ux design concept with isometric smartphone. Premium Vector

1) Your search ranking will improve

While SEO has evolved over the years, what has remained constant is the users experience. Search algorithms rank websites with a better UX higher than others comparatively. Keeping aesthetic value in mind, it is pivotal that you integrate ease of functions onto your website from the get-go. Web developers and UX designers must come together to form the ultimate value-added experience.

2) Good UX makes customers stay

The buying process isn’t as simple as it seems. Customers go through several touch points before reaching your website. Imagine if they come to a site that takes a long time to load or is hard to understand? They probably won’t make a purchase.

In order to build a good UX Design, you need to create a set of user experience design goals. What are user experience design goals? It is basically a set of guidelines that will help you create a user journey for your audience so that they get what they need from your website.  It is about making the UX interactive, engaging and above all – simple.

Here are some great resources for experience design templates:

  1. XD Guru
  2. Freebie Supply
  3. Theme Forest

3) Provides sales support

UX, done right, can provide a significant analysis of your audience behaviour and buyer personas. The data collected can be used to enhance your website further. You can also use the data to educate your sales team about the customer.

4) The world is constantly changing

UX is not only limited to desktop but also mobile. You might have a fabulous desktop website that is lack-lustre on ubiquitous platforms. The world is heavily reliant on their mobiles, and it would make sense to upgrade the UX accordingly.

5) Save your costs in the long run

Good UX design will save your maintenance costs in the long run and will also reduce customer complaints and feedback. In this way, you can put your resources to better use and increase the overall productivity of your workforce.

Natasha Aguiar

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