Drive 2X more traffic to your website in 90 Days

One can generate traffic to their website from ample number of sources. Before diving into various strategies that we can use to drive more traffic to your website, It is strongly recommended that you start by setting up Google Analytics for your website. Analytics is a powerful tool that allows you to dig deep into your data and comprehend all aspects of your audience. You are in a better position to determine what are the do’s and don’ts for you solely based on the data generated rather than basing them on judgements or popular options.

Here’s a quick video that you can use to set up Google Analytics for your website right away

The data available on Google Analytics can be overwhelming in the initial stages but here is one of piece of information that is very useful. Under the acquisition tab, you can observe all the channels that are driving traffic to your website. Are visitors finding you through organic search, social media or paid ads. And which traffic source is giving you the best conversions.

WordPress – The Best CMS for SEO

WordPress powers nearly 30% of all websites and 59% of websites using a Content Management System(CMS). It is undoubtedly the best CMS when it comes to SEO. If you are already using wordpress, you are on the right track and, There are tons of plugins that make your job easier to manage on-page SEO. 

Yoast has to be one of the best in this category. Google looks for robots.txt and XML sitemaps when it is crawling your website. These aspects are automatically taken care of when you use Yoast. It also offers you a step-by-step guide to connect your website to Google Search Console and Google Analytics.

Natasha Aguiar

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