Content Marketing has a tremendous impact on your search rankings

How well and how often you produce content while keeping your website up to date, has to be the single most important factor in determining your success rate with SEO. Do your keyword research, learn what your audience is looking for, discover content that is high rated within your industry and get started with your SEO Content Strategy. In fact, SEO is always sometimes referred to as OC/DC i.eOptimizing Content for Discovery and Conversions.

The Content Factory can be used to formulate the right content strategy to ensure that you are on track with generating quality, relevant and engaging content. The Markathon team has the largest pool of professional content writers that specialize in various domains to generate the highest quality and most appropriate content.

In an effort to optimize content for keywords and search rankings, one must not forget that the real purpose of producing content is to provide answers. It is not enough to simply drive more traffic to your website, but instead, it is necessary that we keep our audience engaged  with our content and ultimately convert them into leads.

On-Page SEO

The title tag is the most important component from an SEO perspective.

The title tag communicates what the page is about and what the audience can expect to find on the page. Google indexes the page for multiple keywords based on the title. Some SEO Gurus recommend that the length of the title must be at least 50 to 60 characters long.

The other important on-page SEO element is the Headings tag. Ensure that your content is having a logical structure consisting of 1 H1 Tag for the main topic and multiple H2 and H3 tags for the sub-topics. Content must be well-organized and presented.

Target Low Hanging Fruit – Long Tail Keywords

We want to see quick results from SEO and Content but sometimes it can seem like we are doing all the work without any visible gains. To make sure that you get quick wins from your marketing efforts, focus on Long Tail Keywords. Long Tail keywords are typically phases consisting of 3 or more words. AHREFS is a great tool is identify long tail keywords along with the Keyword Tool what will help you generate the right content as per your audience. Once you have identified the long tail keywords you want to target, preferably use them at the start of the title tag and of course ensure that that content is focused on that topic, well-researched and is relevant to your target audience.

Internal linking

Internal linking is a way of communicating how one post or page is related to another. They help improve your organic search ranking. They ultimately help improve engagement rates and lower bounce rates. It helps you establish a site architecture and pass link juice to the parent URL.

I recommend using a Hub and Spoke Model to organize your content. Identify one page or post that will be your hub i.e. the central theme to your content you are delivering. Create content related to your central theme and link back to it. This will ensure that your hub receives all the link juice and will have a higher probability of getting ranked.

Write Powerful Headlines that will drive engagement

80% of reader will read your headline but will not go beyond the first paragraph of the article. If you have reached this point, you are among the 20% of the population. Headlines need to drive a sense of urgency, priority and needs to deliver value to your audience. A headline high on emotional quotient delivers better results.

Use the free Headline Analyzer Tool by Co-schedule to test your headlines

Build Quality Backlinks to your Content

Most marketing gurus and my experience seems to suggest that a conscious effort taken to build quality backlinks to your site is the single most important factor that can give a boost to your search rankings. But building backlinks is not an easy process and not easy to get started. So, where do you get started?

  • Start by looking at your competition: You can use a tool like AHREFS to scan your competitor website and identify sites that are linking to them. Shortlist the domains that you find most relevant. Now, find a way to contact the webmaster, give a brief about your company, and make a request if they can link to your page if they find it relevant.
  • Make sure that you are listed in all the local directories. This is the easy part of winning backlinks. But is often ignored by most companies.

Social Media

We all know the importance of social media. And how a well defined social media strategy can drive relevant traffic to you website. First, start by identifying with platforms you want to be on.  You don’t need to invest the big bucks. Start small by engaging all the employees within your company to generate content and share them on social media platform. To get started, you might want to check this out to gain more insights  Social Media Examiner.

Given the fact that most of us don’t have the time to invest in creating content for social media on a daily basis, I use social media scheduling tools like Buffer to create enough content that can last at least a month and that is the very same strategy we use for all our clients.

Leverage Quora for Referral Traffic

Quora does not often feature when we are discussing social media but its fast growing in popularity. It’s a huge hit among a varied cross-section of people. Quora is a social question and answer website which started in 2009 and as of today it attracts more than 200 million unique visitors each month. The best part is that the content you see is curated to your region, interests, likes and dislikes, so, when you actively engage on Quora, you will be in front of an audience that is interested in your content. Don’t just see Quora as a platform for promotion and branding, instead, look at it as a platform where you can offer solutions. You have an opportunity to position yourself as a thought leader in your market segment and will soon notice a jump in referral traffic from Quora.

Natasha Aguiar

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