Digital Experimentation: The Only Answer for An Interesting Marketing Recipe

Imagine a world where Isaac Newton had not given a second thought when he saw an apple falling off a tree. Or a world where Thomas Edison had given up on his dreams of inventing the light bulb after scores of unsuccessful attempts. Now think about how dull and dark (both literally and metaphorically) such a world would be. These inventions and discoveries were byproducts of curious minds fueled with passion for knowledge and a desire to change the majestic factor: Experimentation.

It is the 21stcentury but the importance of experimentation cannot be undermined even today. With digital technology almost decimating every other conventional form of technology, digital experimentation is undoubtedly the way to move forward. However, most people are averse to the idea of digital experimentation, especially when it comes to digital marketing. Here are a few reasons for you to shed your inhibitions and engage in digital experimentation with your marketing strategies:

Experimentation leads to innovation

Experimenting with your digital marketing strategy is the only way you are going to come up with innovative ideas and solutions. Whether it is SEO optimization or using Google Ad words, the only way you are going to make breakthroughs with these platforms is by using them and not shunning away from them. While both these platforms can be intimidating for a new digital marketeer, you just need to play around a little bit to get acclimatized.

Enables you to come up with customized business strategies

Let’s face it. The digital marketing strategy that works for the market leader in your industry is not necessarily going to work for you. With advancements in data analytics (and a huge investment) you might be able to get comprehensive details on your competitor’s digital marketing strategy. But simply replicating that strategy is not going to work for you. Test your digital marketing strategy to begin with. Then test it some more. Find out what works for you and your business. Figure out what doesn’t. Keep experimenting with your marketing strategies till you achieve the desired results.

Experimentation is what makes you a thought leader in your industry

There are quite a few big brands that come to mind when you are asked to think of companies that adopted brilliant digital strategies. But this is not the place to endorse such brands. Replicating a company’s digital strategy will make you a mere trend follower. While doing so is safe, it is far from exciting. As a digital marketing company, we encourage you to come up with marketing strategies that are out of the box and unconventional. Think of the wildest, most unthinkable digital marketing strategy for your brand. Then go ahead and execute it.

Experimentation leads to personal growth

You gain immense knowledge throughout the process of digital experimentation. Digital experimentation gives you detailed insights about SEO usage, Google Search, Online advertising and content management. As you keep engaging with these tools, you are able to gather meaningful insight about digital marketing, which vastly expands your knowledge on the topic.

Experimentation helps you understand your audience better

There is no formula when it comes to understanding how your target audience perceives your product. While you may have a basic understanding of your target audience, digital experimentation helps you discover hidden truths about your target audiences’ online behavior, spending patterns and interests. Serve your target audience a different dose of daily excitement and see how they respond to it. Not only will you be able to create stimulating content tailored for your audience, you can also steer clear of content that you now know does not engage your audience.

While digital experimentation may at times not bear conducive results, it is the only way to do things differently and come up with new solutions.

There is no scope for failure, just scope for finding ways that don’t work

Thomas edison
Natasha Aguiar

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