Content Marketing- The Real Game Changer for Your Brand

Before we start, we want to ask you a question. How many of you have flipped or browsed through the net today and a read piece of content or watched a video?….. Most likely all of you.

It’s now a standard practice to create and push content on the internet for various purposes. It could be to disseminate information about your brand, let people know about the latest trends and news, or anything else. The bottom line is that content matters and will matter for a long time. However, most companies do not have a proper content marketing strategy in place. There are three pillars of content marketing which will be discuss in detail – Content Creation, Content Curation and Content distribution.

Content Creation

This is pretty self-explanatory, but companies fail to get this right, as they place too much emphasis on what the business is about, rather than adding value to the target audience, and this in turn leads to a loss in potential clients. You need to ensure that your content connects with the audience and interests them. In the age of technology, attention spans are lower than what they were before and your content should be relatable, precise, emotional and engaging to hold your viewer’s attention.

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Content Curation

Creating a stock of content is only the beginning. Next is curating the material in a streamlined and organized fashion to make the most out of it. Content Hubs are the perfect platforms for you to collate your content in a unified manner. In this way, your audience will not have to visit multiple sources to source information about your company.

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Content Distribution

Fostering content on various online platforms for your target audience to view, understand and engage in. There are usually 2 components that are required for a successful distribution: Defined Audience, Free traffic Multipliers and Paid Traffic Multipliers.

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  • Defined Audience: Conduct research on who if the right set of target audiences for your company. This will help you generate the right pieces of content allowing them to engage with and understand your products or services.
  • Free Traffic Multipliers: These are the traffic generating methods that can be used free of cost, but, it also helps companies to expand their reach into the target audience. Some of these sources are: Email Lists, Push Notifications Lists, Facebook Messenger Lists and outreach Lists.
  • Paid Traffic Multipliers: Apart from the free forms of content distribution, there are paid methods that can be used to amplify the reach of your content to your audiences. You can implement this method by retargeting your website content to different social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. In this way, you can constantly spread your content over the internet and this also increases the growth of your company’s online presence along with an increase in the percentage of potential clients.
Natasha Aguiar

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