Orthosports Medical Center

OrthoSports Medical Center is a leading orthopedic and physiotherapy centre located in the heart of Dubai. Our association with OrthoSports goes as far back as 2018. What initially started off as a web design and development project has today nurtured into full-scale content management and digital marketing project.

Open Project
Web Design & Development

OrthoSports needed a contemporary website design that potential patients found easy to navigate through without being overloaded with information. Our focus while building the OrthoSports website was to keep it simple, yet elegant. Markathon completed the design and development of the website in less than 40 days. As the clinic grew to include more staff and new departments, we subsequently updated the website with new doctor profiles and an entire new internal medicine department. We also implemented a live chat feature to help patients seeking answers get responses in record time.


We were able to draft the foundations of OrthoSports’ social media strategies and content management plans as we partnered with OrthoSports in their early days of social media management. We identified key content pillars and had elaborate brainstorming sessions on how we could best meet their objectives. We believed it was important to feature the faces at OrthoSports as people connect better with other people and not just brands. We created carefully drafted content calendars and ran social media campaigns to further strengthen our efforts to increase followers, build awareness and gain better reach.


We were able to draft the foundations of OrthoSports’ social media strategies and content management plans as we partnered with OrthoSports in their early days of social media management. We identified key content pillars and had elaborate brainstorming sessions on how we could best meet their objectives. We believed it was important to feature the faces at OrthoSports as people connect better with other people and not just brands. We created carefully drafted content calendars and ran social media campaigns to further strengthen our efforts to increase followers, build awareness and gain better reach.