Dubai Chamber

Dubai Chamber is a non-profit public organization that seeks to represent, protect and promote the interests of the business community in Dubai. In 2020, Dubai Chamber partnered with Markathon for the purpose of content development of various forms.

Open Project

Our partnership with Dubai Chamber began at a crucial time when the organization was trying to move its business online and promote E-services, owing to the COVID-19 situation. In collaboration with Dubai Chamber, we created numerous social media posts and animated videos to build awareness about Dubai Chamber’s E-services portal and resources available to help the business community during a challenging time. Regular updates and information pertaining to the evolving COVID-19 situation were also posted during this time. At all times, the focus remained on how we could build a safe environment for businesses to operate in while protecting the interests of the business community.


As COVID-19 restrictions eased, it was time to shift the focus to empowering the business community and highlight Dubai’s business community’s resilience. Some of the events and webinars we’ve covered for Dubai Chamber so far are:
Dubai Chamber Market Access Programme
Dubai Chamber’s participation at GITEX 2020
Dubai Chamber’s Gulfood Breakfast briefing